I made ​​a advertising newsletter

For a long period of time, everything works fine. "Masters" will even tell you to give them a free ebook, so that visitors to your Web site or your presentation. Therefore, the "free" is good. However, you can have the disadvantage of "FREE"! The newsletter editorial suggestions, I shortened URL re-direct services through the use of. Re-direct services really great price - "free" - so I registered, and registered all my affiliate programs. Everywhere on the Internet, free e-books, free auto-reply free website, free, free. More than a month ago, I made ​​a advertising newsletter. Advertising is one of my affiliate program and favorite affiliate programs, the URL is very long. . Let me tell you a little story - this will be short-lived. "FREE" What is a great word. We are to a certain extent we do not take advantage of this? We all like "free" to get something do not you? Especially when it's really good, we really need something, and you can use.